Woman Is Made In The Image Of The Holy Spirit.

If you ask a modern-day woman living in North America her views on a womans placement in religion one of their many answers may be that there is none, and they are not wrong. All throughout time churches have silenced them, this bleed into the political and cultural structure of society and it is why we have certain outbursts of ideas and concepts today such as feminism and non-profit organizations that aim to get girls into school. But after a strenuous study, application, conversations, consideration and research it can clearly be determined within the Christian bible that the third person of ‘The God Head’ or ‘The Trinity’ is actually female, and not even close to being a ghost. The word for spirit is Ruah, transliteration being ruwach and grammatically it is a feminine noun. The KJV Strongs Concordance translates it in this manner, for instance: Spirit or spirit (232x). Does this matter? Well… Actually yes it does because within the Greek translations which were koine (or common Greek) there are neutral pronouns, yet within the english translations such as KJV, they have been translated as male, therefore making the spirit out to be a being that is inherently male. But it is not. If you look within proverbs 8 it speaks of wisdom being not only its own being standing at the gates of what we can assume is during the time Jursalem, but it is a she. Using many verses but specifically John 14:26 which describes the spirit being a teacher, this is directly linked to this female wisdom. This female wisdom is the holy spirit and even in James 3:17 wisdom is described, and the traits fit that of the holy spirit (Peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit), impartial and sincere. Believers are even told to have fruits meet for repentance. The holy spirit is the embodiment of fruits and wisdom is described as having good fruit. So the holy spirit is interchangeable with wisdom because wisdom is the holy spirit and the holy spirit is wisdom. This means that throughout all this time in history that the third person of the trinity, this apparent ‘ghost’ is a female spirit working through the body of believers and teaching them what is sound. This means that within Christianity for thousands of years there has been a female figure there all along and no one even bothered to notice and a key point that Christian denominations have absolutely failed to teach the public. This means that females have a much larger placement within Christianity and they have been failed to be taught that and are therefore robbed and misled of just how amazing and capable the religion sees them. It also means that the men throughout history who have been in charge have grossly misused not only the bible, but have misused and robbed women of what they should know and what is this? That the spirit of God within Christian doctrine is female and is the third lost person of the trinity. Not some benevolent, asexual ghost.

But it gets better than that. If we go all the way to the very first few lines of the bible, it reads ‘and the spirit of God was upon the face of the waters.’ Within context, this is the holy spirit. If you return to proverbs 8: 22-30, it speaks about how this spirit was with him since the beginning of the creation of the world, and even before that. That spirit was there with him and that spirit was there for the creation of Adam, being Adam and Eve. God said that he made man, referring to Adam which is not actually just Adam but Adam and Eve, in his image, likeness and form. Man being the image of God. But what about the holy spirit? What about wisdom? What is her part? She is part of Adam. She came from him, so she is therefore the image of God. Well we can easily know that the spirit is from God himself because it says in there ‘the spirit of God’. The only way for this to be the spirit of God is for it to be from God himself and this is another key point that religious dogma has failed to teach and grasp that the woman, being Eve, being every single female on the entirety of this planet is the image of the spirit of God or the holy spirit. Man is the image of God and woman is the image of the holy spirit, being wisdom, meekness, temperance, joy, love, peace and everything that comes to mind when you think ‘the holy spirit’. Women have been silenced, women have been shut out and women have been degraded in the name of God and in the name of religion in general yet that one key factor that churches either couldn’t see or choose not to teach is that the woman is made in the image of God, specifically the holy spirit and the holy spirit is the embodiment of the wisdom of God and was supposedly the spirit working through all these religious leaders when they told women to keep silent.


Ever felt as a woman like you were directly being undermined and targeted when it came to religion? Ever felt like the men were in too much control over it and that it had seriously been tampered with? Ever felt like God barely acknowledged you because of what you have been taught about women within Christianity? Well little did you know that the spirit that was in the body of Jesus and controlling him was female. Eve, being every single female on the entirety of this planet is the image of the spirit of God or the holy spirit which just happens to be the embodiment of wisdom.

6 thoughts on “Woman Is Made In The Image Of The Holy Spirit.

  1. I was thinking about this topic all day long, trying to figure out how to put my thoughts together. So let’s start with the Trinity. It’s always God the Father, Jesus the Son, then the Holy Spirit. Supposedly male, male, and female. Okay, so God and Jesus don’t have feminine traits or characteristics, but they are arguably more important, more primary than the Holy Spirit – and the two most masculine. So that makes women seem less important. After all, so long as the Father and Son get the major airtime, sermons about the Holy Spirit are something you can miss without really missing anything important, right?
    To me, God’s gender is such a complete mix of male and female, completely and thoroughly together and united that he’s beyond comprehension. I think of it as the combination of chocolate and milk in order to form the more perfect union of chocolate milk. The two so closely combined that you cannot separate the one from the other. It bothers me to think that Eve is something that God is not; her femininity has to come from somewhere and that somewhere has to be from God. Now so many teach that Adam is directly God’s image-bearer, and Eve is an image-bearer of God in a derivative sense – or she is God’s image “through” the man who is the original version and she’s only a copy. That makes it sound as if maleness is primary to a fuller expression of God’s image, that any femininity within men is a betrayal of the male image of God. But I think in a way that we’re like God, with both male and female traits. We don’t accept them because we have to think that we have to be one or the other. Women can’t get angry, but men can. Men can’t cry, but women can. Really? We really need to learn to embrace the bothness of God, and by accepting that he’s just as much of a She as a He that we should also view women as equally and fully the image of God and worth better treatment and consideration.

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    1. Jamie Carter I agree but what was the spirit in Jesus? The Holy Spirit, the spirit is the power and fire of God. Jesus had femmenine traits, which were the fruits of the spirit. What are the fruits of the Spirit? A few would be compassion, love and understanding. Not that these characteristics can’t be attributed to men because they can and the Holy Spirit is very important. If she wasn’t why would God say that if you blaspheme God himself and the son Jesus you’re forgiven but if you blaspheme the spirit you’re not? Believers are supposed to be led by the Spirit, the spirit is the one who teaches all things. How is the spirit not that important? You have to be born of the spirit in order to inherit the kingdom of heaven.


      1. I’d still like to think that there’s femininity in God the Father and God the Son, just as much as there is in God the Spirit. That you can’t separate what’s feminine from God from what’s masculine about God and that you shouldn’t even be tempted to try. Because both the father and the son are overtly masculine, that means that maleness is God’s primary trait, and femaleness is secondary and unequal.


      2. Well firstly yes the spirit is in subjection to God. What really is the spirit of Christ though? The indwelling of The Holy Spirit. In order to achieve salvation you must have the spirit of God/Christ or The Holy Spirit. Because the spirit that was in the physical body of Jesus Christ was The Holy Spirit who is a she. She is the one who was the power/glory/fire of God. That is the spirit of Christ. Women are told to be in subjection to their husbands as Christ is subject to God. Christ being the Spirit of Christ which was what was raised when he died, is subject to God. The Spirit of Christ which is The Holy Spirit is in subjection to God and God said that man cannot live without women as women cannot live without men so there’s no inequality there. Women are made in the image of the spirit of Christ which is The Holy Spirit that is why they’re asked to be subject to their husbands which are the image of God. Both being made in the image of God. Femaleness is not secondary , one cannot be without the other. That’s why Eve was created because it was not good for Adam to be alone. That’s also why she was made from his rib. To show she is equal.


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